Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crazy Couponing Cult Welcomes Me!

I have decided that I am going to start couponing. I love saving money. It is part of my genetic make up. I swear to you! Talk to any male or female on my mother’s side of the family and they will confirm it. So when someone told me that they were saving 80% on their grocery bill by using coupons I about flipped my lid!

For starters, I put up an ad on craigslist asking people to send me their extra coupons. I would even send them self addressed stamped envelopes. I had three replies in two days. Not only did it geek me up about my future in couponing but gave me a warm fuzzy feeling towards mankind that others who didn’t even know me were willing to help.

I had one lady whose daughters recently taught a couponing class. A CLASS!! (They are going to teach it again, so I will let you know  when I have details.) She also shared with me lots of tips and a couple of great websites…

The first is a website where you can BUY coupons for $0.05 to $0.10. You have to order a minimum of $2 and shipping is $0.60. The website also notes if the coupon applies to a current sale.

The second website is fast becoming one of my favorites.   Not only does her website track all of the current sale fliers, indicate which circular had a coupon that stacks with the sale (stack is couponing lingo. I still don’t really know what it means. Don’t correct me if I used it wrong, I am in the zone right now.) The Krazy Coupon Lady also has loads of videos, articles, and lots of and lots of information on how to coupon.

You thought you were just going to cut them from the paper and shove them in your purse? No sirree bob. That isn’t how you save 80%! I am currently working on creating my coupon BINDER, per Krazy Coupon Lady instructions.

There are books (Krazy Lady has “Pick Another Lane Honey” that I am currently reading, I’ll get back to you on my thoughts on this one), there are apps, there are websites, there are programs.

Hubs is thinking that I have been sucked in by a cult. That’s right, the crazy couponing cult. Don’t get stuck behind me in the grocery store or you are going to be moving verrrrry slowlllllly.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Denise Austin v. The Boogey Man

I am willing to take the risk that I am the last person in the world to figure this out in the hopes that someone out there will think it is as awesome as I do!

So you’ve all heard the trying to lose weight saga that has become my life. I would think that my scale had a disability except that every time I step on it the Bigs also feel that they need to check it out. Not the same number but they kindly provide the same reaction by snapping their fingers and saying “Awww Mannn!”
I’ve been offered the advice of some pro’s…exercise. Awww mannn!! I was hoping to go with the same weight loss plan I did when I was 23, no french fries for a week. Something about your metabolism is different when you get older yadda, yadda, yadda. When in the world do I have time to exercise? Oh during nap time you say? But then would I read/blog/nap/knit and all of the other joyful things I am able to do when the house is at peace? 

Twice I went walking with 30 second bursts of running outside when hub’s got home from work. It was awesome to be out of the house. Did you know that the weather in Michigan is slightly unpredictable? I am not in any way committed enough to this exercise thing to be going outside in the cold and/or rain. I also am not willing to walk/run when it is dark, that is when the boogey man who is going to kidnap me comes out. This means I needed to find something that can be done indoors, with children circling about me, stopping to change any stinks/fetch drinks/etc., and of course is free. 

There was some walking thingy doo I saw “On Demand” while I was looking for Khloe & Kourtney. Sure enough, under the Sports & Fitness channel there is Exercise TV!! That is totally worthy of double exclamation points! I can’t even believe all of the programs that are under there. I started with some 20 minute Denise Austin work out today. Helpful Hint: DO NOT watch a scary movie prior to this workout or you will be convinced that she really is a zombie with her eyes bugging out of her head like that.

There are literally dozens of options and they are all FREE. At my house. No one but the Bigs and Little Lo are there to see my complete lack of coordination. Added bonus, they thought it was fun to jump all around with me and now there will be lovely peaceful time at my house.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wonderful Reading For a Year? For $3?

I just bought a one year subscription to Redbook Magazine for $3! YES THREE DOLLARS! What is that? Like $0.25 an issue? No that’s not right, that’s absurd. I’m not a math person. Wait, that IS right! (I pulled up the calculator on my phone and checked. I am a little shocked…not that I had to check it with a calculator, I wasn’t kidding about the whole math person thing…but that it is really $0.25 an issue.)

You know what equates to? Saving $39! I don’t know exactly when I am going to be able to read this fabulous deal. But I will be getting something that is not centered around my kids, family or cooking. So that is $3 well spent to make me feel like a grown-up who is allowed her own personal interests. It feels a little bit indulgent!

Go to and check out the Magazines home page. There are literally dozens of others that are all priced under $10.00 for an entire year. What a great way to give yourself a little gift of personal time.

I think this would also be a great gift idea for someone else. You will find that I love gifts. I love thinking about them, buying them, and giving them. I really love trying to find something that is a little bit different and a whole lot affordable while still being completely wonderful.
Here’s a couple of suggestions that I think are great:
  • Congratulations on your wedding, here is a Better Homes & Gardens Subscription.
  • Congratulations new mommy! Here is your year for Parenting Magazine.
  • Love you Mom! Happy Mother’s Day! I bought you a subscription to Real Simple.
  • Happy Birthday Husband. Go look at some hot chicks in your Maxim magazine and stop bothering me, I am trying to watch Grey’s Anatomy.

Introduction to my NEW new blog

Yesterday I created a new blog...Frugal Finds and Helpful Hints. Then I changed my mind. I definitely like the idea of a new blog. I really like a good deal (I think it is part of my genetic composition, because every woman in my family also loves a good deal).  think there is more than that I would like to share. A lot of times I have a great idea (well, *I* think it is a great idea) and I just want to share it.

I am with my kids all day long. When I tell them my good idea's they just stare at me, I can tell that they are trying to figure out if this is in any way related to the cookies that are on the counter behind me. If I listen to her and smile will she give me a cookie that has more chocolate chips? Even more often I am likely to hear them ask, whyyyyyy? Because I said so.

That's why my new blog is...Because I Said So. The idea is that it will be full of great ideas, finds, thoughts, etc. And you should listen to me. Why? Because I am a very smart and creative person. Why? Because I think this really is good stuff, and who doesn't love good stuff? Why? Because I said so.

Yesterday I posted that you’ll find this blog might be slightly less sarcastic than Stories of a Stay at Home Mom, only slightly because I am naturally sarcastic. I think I might have spoke too soon on that one too. What can I say? I can only suppress so much in the sake of unpaid professionalism.

Yesterday, I also said that you may find that this blog is slightly more informative and helpful. Again, I put in the slightly, I don’t want to over promise and underwhelm so I’m going to keep your expectations low (see smart ass remarks are creeping up already). I'm sticking with that one. Low expectations.

So read on and see what I am up to on a day to day basis. Let me know what you think…