Thursday, March 24, 2011

Denise Austin v. The Boogey Man

I am willing to take the risk that I am the last person in the world to figure this out in the hopes that someone out there will think it is as awesome as I do!

So you’ve all heard the trying to lose weight saga that has become my life. I would think that my scale had a disability except that every time I step on it the Bigs also feel that they need to check it out. Not the same number but they kindly provide the same reaction by snapping their fingers and saying “Awww Mannn!”
I’ve been offered the advice of some pro’s…exercise. Awww mannn!! I was hoping to go with the same weight loss plan I did when I was 23, no french fries for a week. Something about your metabolism is different when you get older yadda, yadda, yadda. When in the world do I have time to exercise? Oh during nap time you say? But then would I read/blog/nap/knit and all of the other joyful things I am able to do when the house is at peace? 

Twice I went walking with 30 second bursts of running outside when hub’s got home from work. It was awesome to be out of the house. Did you know that the weather in Michigan is slightly unpredictable? I am not in any way committed enough to this exercise thing to be going outside in the cold and/or rain. I also am not willing to walk/run when it is dark, that is when the boogey man who is going to kidnap me comes out. This means I needed to find something that can be done indoors, with children circling about me, stopping to change any stinks/fetch drinks/etc., and of course is free. 

There was some walking thingy doo I saw “On Demand” while I was looking for Khloe & Kourtney. Sure enough, under the Sports & Fitness channel there is Exercise TV!! That is totally worthy of double exclamation points! I can’t even believe all of the programs that are under there. I started with some 20 minute Denise Austin work out today. Helpful Hint: DO NOT watch a scary movie prior to this workout or you will be convinced that she really is a zombie with her eyes bugging out of her head like that.

There are literally dozens of options and they are all FREE. At my house. No one but the Bigs and Little Lo are there to see my complete lack of coordination. Added bonus, they thought it was fun to jump all around with me and now there will be lovely peaceful time at my house.

1 comment:

  1. Such a very, very witty/funny girl. Your mom must be just like that too!!! :) Don't you love that people tell us we "should write a book" unfortunate that it would NOT be fiction but really is our life. At least you were well prepared for life and to see the humorous side, growing up in our home!
