Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crazy Couponing Cult Welcomes Me!

I have decided that I am going to start couponing. I love saving money. It is part of my genetic make up. I swear to you! Talk to any male or female on my mother’s side of the family and they will confirm it. So when someone told me that they were saving 80% on their grocery bill by using coupons I about flipped my lid!

For starters, I put up an ad on craigslist asking people to send me their extra coupons. I would even send them self addressed stamped envelopes. I had three replies in two days. Not only did it geek me up about my future in couponing but gave me a warm fuzzy feeling towards mankind that others who didn’t even know me were willing to help.

I had one lady whose daughters recently taught a couponing class. A CLASS!! (They are going to teach it again, so I will let you know  when I have details.) She also shared with me lots of tips and a couple of great websites…

The first is a website where you can BUY coupons for $0.05 to $0.10. You have to order a minimum of $2 and shipping is $0.60. The website also notes if the coupon applies to a current sale.

The second website is fast becoming one of my favorites.   Not only does her website track all of the current sale fliers, indicate which circular had a coupon that stacks with the sale (stack is couponing lingo. I still don’t really know what it means. Don’t correct me if I used it wrong, I am in the zone right now.) The Krazy Coupon Lady also has loads of videos, articles, and lots of and lots of information on how to coupon.

You thought you were just going to cut them from the paper and shove them in your purse? No sirree bob. That isn’t how you save 80%! I am currently working on creating my coupon BINDER, per Krazy Coupon Lady instructions.

There are books (Krazy Lady has “Pick Another Lane Honey” that I am currently reading, I’ll get back to you on my thoughts on this one), there are apps, there are websites, there are programs.

Hubs is thinking that I have been sucked in by a cult. That’s right, the crazy couponing cult. Don’t get stuck behind me in the grocery store or you are going to be moving verrrrry slowlllllly.

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